Date: Thursday, 16th June, 2016
Time: 10.30 - 13.00 and 14.00 – 17.00
Room: K 218
Keywords: BIM, IFC, standard, ARCHICAD, Solibri, Tekla
Software in use: ARCHICAD, MEP Modeler, Solibri, Tekla BIMsight
Tutors: Ákos RECHTORISZ, Tamás ERŐS
Expected skills: basic ARCHICAD
BIM is very much talked about nowadays. The main concept of BIM is to bring all project stakeholders together in a 3D model based environment. As more people start actually utilising this, interoperability between different software gets more emphasis. New challenges arise when architects and engineers want to coordinate their design, or transfer their model to other software for various purposes. BuildingSMART provides a solution to this challenge with their IFC standard (ISO 16739:2013).
GRAPHISOFT is in the forefront of supporting IFC-based data exchange as a founding member of the OPEN BIM program. This approach advertises a transparent, open workflow, allowing project members to participate regardless of the software tools they use. ARCHICAD users from all around the world have already completed several BIM projects successfully in this manner.
The goal of the workshop is to demonstrate the capabilities of OPEN BIM from a practical point of view. Participants can gain hands on experience with ARCHICAD importing and exporting IFC models. They will get an insight into the features of the software that help the coordination, model transfer, and messaging between project members.
Solibri and Tekla BIMsight, where IFC models can be viewed, checked, and merged for clash detection, will also be used.
Max number of participants: 20